Can I just give a seething, raging, blustering blog post?
Don't get alarmed.. I just want to give a usual rant of a student, okei?
During our Finance 101 subject earlier this morning, our professor told us that only 12 students from our class passed the quiz she gave to us last Saturday.
And unfortunately, I wasn't included in that number!
I was just short of a point, and I'm really disappointed.
I was keeping my record for that subject the best way I can.
For my past quizzes, seatworks and homeworks I get high, good grades.
And now, its spoiled!
I'm not a GC (or Grade Conscious as what my blockmates termed it), its just that there's one thing that got and still gets on my nerves.
The other class got higher scores than us.
Well, of course, I want my other friends in that section to get high grades too since we are already in our majoring.
But to think that 7 of them got perfect score is just..... unfair.
I don't mean unfair like I'm jealous.
It's unfair because there's some anomaly going on.
You know, the usual leakage...
The ever so usual leakage of answers.
And I am 100% sure that someone from us gave the correct answers to them.
It's just unfair.
I studied well, I answered the questions with my own knowledge... and still its not enough.
I just hope they stop this leakage practice.
Okei... if it doesn't stop. I can't do anything.
As far as I am concerned, I myself is not giving out answers to them...
I can't control others, you know.
Maybe, we are just unlucky that we are the first class of our Finance 101 professor and the section I'm referring to is her 3rd class.
She even challenged us that to prove our number (3M1) she will give the next quiz first to that other section. And if we get higher results, that means that we prove that we are indeed deserving to be called with that section name.
It's like ALL or NOTHING.
Oh well, we didn't accept her challenge.
Let's just wait and see during the departmentals.
Where all test papers will be given fair and square.
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