
Britney Spears is ze BOMB!

I can't take it any more. I can't help myself
but to blog about the Britney Spears episode of GLEE.
I sooo love it!
Really love it to the nth power! :)
And Heather Morris rocks! She really looks like Britney Spears.
Brittany S. Pears is in the house! 

And now, what am I doing?
Here I am, listening to Britney Spears' songs.
My golly!!! I miss her songs!
"From the Bottom of my Broken Heart"
"Im a Slave 4 U"
and the list goes on and on and on.. 
Im a Britney Spears fanatic. hahaha!

Kaso Britney has come of age na talaga. She no longer has this bubbly look waaaay before.
Of course, what do we expect?
She has kids na and she undergone lots of things.
But she still has this sexy bod! That's undeniably true! :D

Im soo kilig of Finn din.
I can be Rachel if Finn's around.
Just don't let him dance. hahaha! :))

I better hit the sack now.
Im eagerly looking forward for the next episode.
But wait, I miss BARNEY!!

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER where are you?!?!

Whirlwind and Roller Coasters

I've been to a number of whirlwinds and roller coasters in my life
for the past 9 months this year.
I honestly didn't expect 2010 to be like this. 
All I know is that I wished for a good year way back New Year's Eve
and promised myself to start my serious diet plan. 
I never forsee something like this.
And I never imagined to meet new people, lose new and old people and to
be friends with people whom I lost one point in my life. 

I just can't explain how I feel right now.
Past 6 months was hell
and the middle of my other 6 months is like close to heaven. :)
Life can really be unpredictable.
And I am a living proof that can testify to that saying of
"There's a rainbow always after the rain.."
or the
"God make you experience things in purpose."

2010 was so far the craziest year of my life.
And Im just 21 years old.
I'm wondering what's more in store for me. :)

I'm starting to laugh now for doing such things early this year.
It's a good sign for me.
It means I'm starting to learn.
It means Im starting to clinch that maturity part somewhere within me.
Im starting to say bye bye to the child in me and Im on my way to embracing
the reality of adulthood.
That no things are easy to take...
that every decision has its own consequences. 
And I can say I am dumb.

Life was quite unfair for me.
Because no one better came along after the first one.
In fact, if I were to compare, this person was far worst than the other one.
But somehow.. this person just came along to teach me a lesson.
That patience is a REAL virtue.
And that those who wait are blessed with great things.
Thanks to you.
And wherever you are, get a LIFE!

Life gets a bit "suprisey" for me these days.
I just can't say it straight to the point here.
But happiness can be spelled out from what you're reading here.
Everything seemed fine for me.

Everything came the PERFECT TIME!
And everything is and will be worth my wait, including you. ♥
Meeting you again was least expected.
Meeting you in this place was expected
And everything will fall into place soon as we both enjoy the roller coaster ride of our lives. :)

Reality Check: BER MONTH not BEER month

It's the BER month
and its cold.
I mean, the weather. Right timing ang pag-ulan.
Kaso its making me sick.
I wasn't able to go to office yesterday because of the bad weather. I have body pains, plus
I have a slight fever.
No, this cannot be a sign of dengue.
I have calamine lotion to protect me at all means.
You know what, ever since I was a kid.. i was bitten by mosquitoes all over my legs.
My mom even apply calamine lotion all over my legs so that when mosquitoes bite me
they'll get poisoned. haha!
As in both of my legs were cover with calamine lotion.
Eh its color pink pa naman when its applied to the legs,
so people mistakenly thought me of wearing a pink stockings. haha!
They were really surprised.
So I have high hopes that I won't be getting the dengue fever.
Please Lord. Not me. Not me!

So reality check.
I'm enjoying life right now.
So far Im happy and contented with my job.
Just like what other people said, you'll stay on your job as long as you love what you're doing
and you love the people around you.
Well, that's another story.
But I like the company of my officemates.
They are fun to be with.
Plus the work is fun.
So its a win win situation for me.
I thank God for the giving me this gift finally.
I'll take good care of it. :)

Reality check again.
I'm missing my friends alot.
Both highschool and college friends.
Iba talaga ang samahan when it comes to your friends whom you meet when you're still studying,
I miss their company.
They are just the best!
The people whom I can say whatever things I can say.
The people whom I'm comfortable with.
The people whom I like to share my secrets and my endless dramas.
The people who never gets tired to listen and give me advices.
I just miss them. :) I hope they miss me too.

Reality check. 
Well, heart is now on the recovery stage.
Its beating well fine now. Compared to its status way back July to August.
The worst months for me.
Well, syempre.. I'm still affected sometimes.
Pero not that much na.
I don't miss that person anymore.
I don't miss talking to him anymore.
I think he can pass by me and it won't matter to me anymore.
But I'm still affected. Its just normal.
But I can go on now.
No special person for me as of the moment.
But as of now.. Im beginning to realize stuffs.
I just have to make it slowly but surely.
I've learned that things that you rush doesn't last at all.
I have to be sure this time.
Yes, its BER month.
Christmas season is here.
It will be a busy Christmas season for me.
And a rich christmas season for me as well. haha!
Smokers and heavy drinkers die waaaaay ahead of those people who live cleanly.

I know everything will be fine.
I just know it. :)

Finally reunited with her Federbear

After weeks, or should I say months
of finding the right day to which our schedule perfectly fits
we finally had it!
Me and Elizah, a friend whom I met at the forums at (
had a meet-up at Trinoma so that I can give her her Federbear
which was also given to us as Christmas presents last year
by our dear friend Kai whom we also met at
For those who doesn't know what kind of site is,
let me just inform you that its the official site of my favorite tennis player
Roger Federer.
And what is a Federbear?
Its a stuffed teddy bear which represent Roger Federer in the world
of stuff toys.
Its a mini teddy bear and I tell you its quite expensive most espeacially if you have to order it online
(since its only your option)
plus the shipment.
It will cost you lots of money!
But one of our friend is soo lovely that she gave us federbears as christmas presents.
I just lack a RF cap.
I eagerly want one ever since I was first year college. haha!
I'll soon buy one.
Or maybe someone can give one to me again as a gift. *wink*

Here's our pictures.
Funny because as I was looking at our 2 pics,
it seems like my face was just the same. hahaha!
Copy paste?

Federbears rocks!