
Whirlwind and Roller Coasters

I've been to a number of whirlwinds and roller coasters in my life
for the past 9 months this year.
I honestly didn't expect 2010 to be like this. 
All I know is that I wished for a good year way back New Year's Eve
and promised myself to start my serious diet plan. 
I never forsee something like this.
And I never imagined to meet new people, lose new and old people and to
be friends with people whom I lost one point in my life. 

I just can't explain how I feel right now.
Past 6 months was hell
and the middle of my other 6 months is like close to heaven. :)
Life can really be unpredictable.
And I am a living proof that can testify to that saying of
"There's a rainbow always after the rain.."
or the
"God make you experience things in purpose."

2010 was so far the craziest year of my life.
And Im just 21 years old.
I'm wondering what's more in store for me. :)

I'm starting to laugh now for doing such things early this year.
It's a good sign for me.
It means I'm starting to learn.
It means Im starting to clinch that maturity part somewhere within me.
Im starting to say bye bye to the child in me and Im on my way to embracing
the reality of adulthood.
That no things are easy to take...
that every decision has its own consequences. 
And I can say I am dumb.

Life was quite unfair for me.
Because no one better came along after the first one.
In fact, if I were to compare, this person was far worst than the other one.
But somehow.. this person just came along to teach me a lesson.
That patience is a REAL virtue.
And that those who wait are blessed with great things.
Thanks to you.
And wherever you are, get a LIFE!

Life gets a bit "suprisey" for me these days.
I just can't say it straight to the point here.
But happiness can be spelled out from what you're reading here.
Everything seemed fine for me.

Everything came the PERFECT TIME!
And everything is and will be worth my wait, including you. ♥
Meeting you again was least expected.
Meeting you in this place was expected
And everything will fall into place soon as we both enjoy the roller coaster ride of our lives. :)