It's a baaad morning for me.
Runny nose. Cold morning.
Sore throat. Lazy Tuesday.
But Im looking forward to go to work.
I prayed for lots of GOOD VIBES to come my way this week.
God is really good. He listen to my prayers.
I wore something red today.
Mind you, a red sweater.
Because Im not really feeling ok.
I feel like Im going to be sick.
Plus checking my office email gives me a headache.
Checking it wakes me to the reality that I am a working girl now.
And I've got lots of responsibilities.
Ok, CLIENTS! Bombard me with your revisions.
Well, it turns out that I should be the one who must make kulet to them.
Or else they'll make me rush things.
How about my SOCIAL LIFE?
I miss you. Well, Social life with my officemates isn't bad at all.
It is FUN actually.
And then there came DECOLGEN.
My medicine.
One of the things that overwhelmed me a lot today.
Geez, good thing it's a no-drowse med.
Or else.. I'll be sleeping all day long.
But still, making me overwhelmed in the first place
will stop me from falling asleep.
Thank You! :D
It turns out to be a GOOD Tuesday after all. :)
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