
A road to (insert country here)

I've been bugged recently by this wild thought of mine for almost a week now. My usual production assistant /  dream work in a movie or TV industry has come into its clear form again and is whispering into my consciousness like INSANE. I am honestly and wholeheartedly happy with my work right now as a Marketing Specialist / Sales Promotion in a multinational insurance company, but you cannot ignore the fact that the dreams I built when I'm still young will forever be carved on my mind and heart.

And with this describing "wild", I really mean it because I am now planning to knock at hollywood's doorsteps. I may have "an almost" opportunity with ABS-CBN last year if only I did accept that 6 month probationary offer they're giving me.. (because that may serve as a stepping stone to great heights of my production / movie / tv career), but now I am overly determined to work in hollywood. :)

It all started when I was watching Hunger Games for the 3rd time. I was observing the scenes, the clothes of the stars, the way how the movie was executed, and I begin to think out of the box on how many number of crew this entire production have. As I was looking at the movie credits, there's like a million of them. How did they entered that industry? How did they become a part of the movie? Contacts? Determination? Confidence? Luck? Only the well-versed production assistant can help me right at this moment. If others can do it, so can I. Remember, Daniel Radcliffe used to have (or still has?) a production assistant girlfriend.. everything is possible! 

And then my "out of the country" mindset lurks within me. I wanted to go out and accept the challenges of living away from my parents and working on a different environment again. It may be hard, yes, but you'll never know your luck unless you try. Some of my college batchmates are currently on this situation and, as far as I know, they're surviving and are enjoying the moment.

I am not expecting that much. A work in hollywood or just locally is enough for me as long as I'm on the track that I've always wanted. I'll sincerely try my best, work my way up the corporate ladder and focus on the tasks that my work is asking from me. Who knows, tomorrow I'll be blogging all the way from Columbia Pictures or Disney Studios. :)

Wish me luck!