
Planning 2010

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy idea.”

This has been the best definition of the word success that I have ever heard from a pronounced speaker or read from any other educational books within the span of 4 years in my university. Upon listening to the ‘Strangest Secret”  by Earl Nightingale, I have realized that there is still a lot of more interesting things in stored for this God-given life to me as long as I believe that there is. Limitations are self-imposed and that people with GOALS are the only ones that succeed.

Guilty as it may seem, I am honest that for the past 2 years, I haven’t set a goal for myself. I do have plans in my little planner, but all of them are for short term…neither of them are long term goals. Upon evaluating myself, lots of things have changed, that’s true! But why is it that life is still the same? Maybe there are things that lacked motivation, things that need a little push… to progress into something that is a product of a worthy idea.

As a college student with a part-time work, my life isn’t boxed in a single world anymore. I will be thinking of my work, and of my studies simultaneously. Others may say that multi-tasking is impossible, but why limit yourself to the possible things? Life is more challenging when you made the impossible, possible.

At the start of the new year week, I have set 2 goals for both of the world that I belong in. A goal for my studies, and a goal for my work. Studies may come to an end by March as I finally have my graduation walk, but continuous learning happens when you are work.

I’m performing well in my class except for one subject, which is Taxation. I hate math and accounting, unfortunately this subject is a mix of both, that’s why I am doomed! For this year up to the finals, I aim to change how my grades have resulted. Taxation will be one of my top subjects. This may seem hard, but just imagining that I get a 1.something in my class records feels great!

Deciding to take a part time job during my last year in college is tough! But since I am already here, I am going to prove that my decision is right for me. I am going to leave behind the immaturity I’ve had as a student and start to be mature when it comes to accomplishing the tasks that work requires from me. As much as possible, all tasks must be accomplished on time. No procrastination.

Dreams don’t have deadlines. If we wish on things exclusively, it shall be given unto us. We become what we think about. We just have to believe that we will succeed.