
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to everyone!
Holy week is over and it's the start of a new life for us all Christians.
I do hope na you reflected well during this past few days and had dedicated your time to going to church or simply by praying.
My Mom and I attented a Lenten Recollection last Wednesday and it's worth it. I've learned alot from the bishops and priests who shared some stories and experiences about Christ which really helped me to reflect about my Life that I had lived and the Life that I will live.

PBB Update:
There's a new set of nominees for the next eviction night and you know what Bodie was one of those who were nominated. huhu...super violation kasi eh! So it means, I'm gonna vote for him this time..haha! I want him to stay sa PBB house..his a good housemate naman eh..

..cge I'm gonna get ready my fone pa for voting..
haha! Okei..byie.. (.^__^.)