
David Archuleta's 3rd Album

David Archuleta, American Idol's Season 7 finalist will release his 3rd studio album titled
"The Other Side of Down"
will be released on September 14, 2010 in the USA
with a carrier single
"Something 'Bout Love" was released on iTunes just today.

David Archuleta made it official in his twitter account stating that his brand new single is already out!

My apologies if it's a bit blurry.
But you can follow him on his verified twitter page at

I am currently listening to his new song and I totally love it!
I really love his songs even his own versions during his American Idol days.
For me, he is waaaay better than Justin Bieber.
Well, it is just my opinion. But I like them both.

I've got the track on my playlist.
I've listened to it for the NTH time! ♥

♫ There's something bout love that tears you up 
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe ♫

Perfect for those people who got heart broken and still believes that love is still beautiful.
We all just have to wait for the perfect time for it to come. ♥