
Sweet tooth dilemma: SOLVED!

2 weeks ago I was having this major craving for something sweet.
Chocolate Sundae? = FAILED
Chocolates? = FAILED
Donuts? =FAILED
Kahit scramble nalang, FAILED parin.
Meron na plang scramble sold in Megamall.. so hindi na yung mga scramble sold in the street. :p
Pero I'm a fan of street foods. :))
Anyway, going back.
I was super depressed because I wasn't able to buy the food that I want.
I dunno. It's weird.
I think I was too busy the past few weeks.
That's why.

But thank goodness for Go Nuts Donuts
It answered my prayers. haha!
Swept my cravings all the way!


Ang over ba?
Super dami ng donuts. haha!
Actually, I dragged my Mom to buy these donuts!
Well, my Mom is a big fan of donuts so I've got no problems there.
What's good is that when you buy 6 pcs of Go Nuts Donuts, you get another 6 pcs for free.
They have this promo for their vanilla cake and chocolate butterscotch donuts.
The orange ones.
It's for free because it is new in the market.
Sort of a taste test.
It works naman for a Marketer like me!
My sweet tooth super likes it!

So we bought 12 donuts
and got 12 free.
We have 2 dozens in our fridge now!
24 donuts all in all.

♥ Sweet tooth dilemma SOLVED! ♥