
American Idol Top 3

David Archuleta, David Cook and Syesha Mercado
are the top 3 contenders for this season's American Idol.
Oh My Gosh! I'm getting more excited...
my predicitons are coming TRUE! little by little... (.^__^.)
I just got a bit disappointed with Jason Castro.. I thought pa naman that the Top 3 will be an all boy cast. I would like to agree with Simon Cowell...
"What are you thinking?" ..and I agree with him when he said that his biggest challenge in the competition is when his brain is dead. (sorry Jason Castro fans!)

I really hope that David Archuleta and David Cook will make it to the Top 2.
Sorry for Syesha, but those David's are always on the SAFE spot.
But of course, votes are still the basis..we'll never know what the outcome will be.
So as for
me, being a in the Philippines, I'll just wait for next Thursday to see if my vibrations are correct!

Last Wednesday, David Archuleta sang "Stand By Me" and "Love Me Tender" and I enjoyed watching them both. But I WOWed when he sang Stand By Me...that song really fits him.

There's a part where he sang the tune of Beautiful Girls in this video..
they got the same tune and beat, actually.
He's cute and adorable. I really hope he'll win the title.
I've read from one article that by observing at the percentage of his votes, most of them are coming from teen-age girls and grandmothers
.(grandmothers??? hehe...)
But still the influence of teen-age girls will make a great impact and difference on the votes.

This coming Wednesday, all 3 of them will be singing 3 songs each..
and I will see and hear again that natural and effortless singing of my favorite!
