
Before I go to sleep...

Before I tuck-in, I wanna share something before these things slip my mind.

3 kinds of LUCK (in time for Kung Hei Fat Choi)

Heaven Luck 
This is what we call DESTINY. What the heavens and the universe have destined us to be with or the things that are really given to us in purpose.

Mankind Luck
This is the kind of luck that goes to us if we give it an extra shot, an extra effort.. if we go to an extra mile. This luck will be given to those who work hard and who are ready to face head on the challenges that come our way.

Earth Luck
This is the kind of luck that we receive when we go in motion with the earth. The rotation of the planets, the location of our stars, all of these have significant meanings to our whole being which can bring us good luck.

So, there you have it! The 3 kinds of luck as per Mr. Boy Abunda. I just overheard this while I was busy listening (not watching) SNN. I believe in Heaven Luck and Mankind Luck. I do hope I'll receive good lucks from these 2 for the New Year of the Golden Rabbit.
