
I am 22! ♥

Can you feel the hesitation as I typed 2 instead of 1.
Yes, I bid goodbye to my tweenteen-one age and say hello to twenteen two!
At least I can still fit in the word teen somewhere. :)

Oh gosh, I am twenty two already.
I just can't believe it. I can't even type the numbers because it will just emphasize how old I am right now. 
Way back, I was just a 12 year old girl, looking forward to enter my teen years.
Then there came 16, looking forward to be 18.
Then there came 19 "not looking forward" to 20.
Then here's 21 which is sooo decided to leave, even I can't control it.
Then here's 22, I want it to stay long enough but convinced me to be with me for just 12 months for soon 23 will come without me even knowing it.

I hate numbers and MATH. I just can't understand them.

My birthday celebration was not a blast, but it is a special one.
Me being a simple girl appreciates a lot of simple things in this world.
And just by the presence of my loved and special ones made my day complete and worth looking back.
I may not have gotten what I exactly wanted (be it materially, personally (as in the persons) or emotionally (as in the feelings) but at least I had a fair share of it.

As I leave 21 behind, I say goodbye to all the sadness, bitterness and happiness I've had.
All of those will surely be kept inside my own treasure box.
21 was not the best year. I may even consider it as one of the worst year, but having been blessed and being given the things that I need and somewhat deserve still makes me a lucky girl.

Birthdays are not just a reminder of how old you are.
It is a reminder of how special you have been for the past years of your existence.

Thank you friends and family.
I love you! ♥