
Charlie Green

As what I've promised, I will tell you something about Charlie Green.
Ahora, Que es Charlie Green?

Here is his brief autobiography:

Britains Got Talent: Charlie Green

Charlie started singing when he was three years old when he got up on stage and started singing karaoke on holiday.
Since then he has continued to practise and has sung in various cabaret shows with his Dad on cruise ships and in pubs/clubs in his local area.
His proudest moment was at eight when he sung for Princess Anne a St James Palace for a charity event.
Charlie also released a charity single called Hands Around the World which is dedicated to his friend who suffers from Muscular Dystrophy.

Charlie is influenced by his father Roger who used to be a singer with the Black and White Minstral Show.
Roger now produces cabaret shows for cruise ships where he and Charlie often perform (not together).
Charlie’s mother is a Filipina named Cecilia Sumargo who originally came from Dumanjung Cebu Philippines


He is here in Manila... nag guess pa nga siya sa Pinoy Dream Academy and he is a real one talented young kid.
I really love him!
I want to have a young brother like him.
Así que adorable!

Charlie Green sings Summer Wind